Are You A Victim of Child Sexual Assault? Are You The Parent of A Victim?

Manly Stewart & Finaldi Are the Attorneys for the Finding Neverland Survivors. We Can Help You Seek the Justice & Compensation You Deserve

If you were sexual abused as a child by a celebrity, a priest, a schoolteacher, or another person in a position of authority, Manly Stewart & Finaldi would like to help you hold your abuser accountable. We represent the sexual abuse survivors in the HBO documentary Leaving Neverland and have represented thousands of people abused by children in churches, the entertainment industry, schools, sports and youth organizations.

No person or institution is too big or powerful for us to fight on your behalf. With more than 25 years of legal experience focused on the representation of victims of sexual assault, abuse, and harassment, we have been able to recover a grand total of over $2 billion in damages for our clients. Please contact us today for a free consultation. You will be believed and your information will be treated in strictest confidence.

Our Firm In the News

Jackson allegations and fight over them return with new film

‘Leaving Neverland,’ Michael Jackson documentary, opens old wounds before premiere

Everything We Know About the Michael Jackson Allegations Revived in the Documentary Leaving Neverland

Michael Jackson Accusers Deserve to Be Heard In New Documentary, Attorney Says

Oprah Winfrey aired a powerful interview after ‘Leaving Neverland’ and is ready for the backlash