Oakland Sexual Abuse Attorney

Sexual abuse is a serious problem in California and in the United States. Sexual abuse can take many forms, including child molestation, rape, incest, indecent exposure and pornography. These acts that are too horrible to think about are a bleak reality for too many people, including innocent children. Upon learning that their child may have been abused, parents are rightfully outraged, angry, upset and confused.

We understand the hardship you are being made to endure and have helped many in your situation even when it seemed that all hope was lost. The negative ramifications of child sexual abuse are too many to list. Sadly, most cases of molestation involve someone that the child already knows. If you or your child has been the victim of sexual abuse, please call our firm immediately. An Oakland sexual abuse attorney can assist you.

How Can an Oakland Sexual Abuse Attorney Help?

Although there is nothing that can be done to erase this nightmare, there are many effective tools that we can utilize to ensure that your child is given the help that he or she needs later in life. We can connect your family to top doctors and therapists in Oakland, for example, as well as hire experts to support your civil lawsuit.

We know exactly how to investigate and build sexual assault and abuse cases, including cases involving child abuse that occurred many years ago. Filing a lawsuit with our assistance can bring your child and family justice and greater mental peace after this terrible trauma. In addition, when you pursue a case against a sexual predator, you are helping to ensure that they will not be able to harm more children in the future.

What Is Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse is an umbrella term that can refer to many types of unwanted sexual contact or activity. It can include child molestation, sexual touching without an individual’s consent, sexual activity involving incapacitation or date-rape drugs, penetration, sodomy, rape or attempted rape, statutory rape, and many other physical acts. It can also involve nonphysical sexual acts, such as exposure of sexual organs, threats or intimidation, showing a child pornography, and watching someone undress without their knowledge. In general, sexual abuse refers to an ongoing pattern of long-term abuse, while sexual assault refers to an isolated incident.

Sexual Abuse Lawyer Serving Oakland

Sexual abuse and assault are illegal in California and can lead to a criminal sentence that includes many years in jail or prison and being put on the sex offender registry. In addition to the criminal proceeding, it is possible for the family of the victim to bring a lawsuit against the sexual predator to obtain compensation for their child’s mental and physical suffering. Our firm represents clients in all types of sexual abuse cases, including cases of:

  • Child sexual abuse in Oakland
  • Sexually abused in school
  • Coach sexual abuse
  • Foster care abuse
  • Boy Scout abuse
  • Sexual abuse in sports
  • Sexual abuse at work
  • Government sexual abuse
  • Clergy sexual abuse
  • Doctor sexual misconduct
  • Incest
  • Sexual harassment
  • Sexual harassment in school
  • Clergy sexual harassment
  • Child sexual harassment
  • Sexual harassment in sports
  • Coach sexual harassment
  • Elder sexual harassment
  • Government sexual harassment
  • Foster case sexual harassment
  • Boy Scout sexual harassment
  • Sexual harassment at work
  • Sexual hazing
  • School sexual hazing
  • Work sexual hazing
  • Sexual assault at UC Berkeley
  • Government sexual hazing
  • Sexual hazing on sports teams
  • Sexual bullying
  • Internet sex crimes
  • Online sexual harassment
  • Cyberstalking
  • Cyberbullying
  • Sex with a minor
  • Rape
  • Spousal rape
  • Sexual assault in Oakland
  • Social media sexual harassment

Our team of attorneys has successfully helped hundreds of clients bring lawsuits against the sexual predators that had harmed their children. We have acquired hundreds of millions of dollars on our client’s behalf and continue to pursue the best interests of our clients every day. Please call our firm immediately so that we can begin helping you and your child through this difficult time.

Signs of Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse can take a toll on a victim in many ways. The effects depend on the individual, the victim’s age at the time of the abuse, the severity of the assault and many other factors. However, common signs include depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, weight loss or gain, physical injuries, trouble in school, sexually transmitted diseases, nightmares, low self-esteem, substance abuse, and suicidal tendencies.

What to Do if You’ve Been Sexually Abused in Oakland, California

It is normal to feel overwhelmed and confused about your rights if you experience sexual assault yourself or find out that your child is a victim of sexual abuse. If you find yourself in this situation, protect yourself physically, mentally and legally by taking the following steps:

1. Get help. Tell someone that you trust what happened. Telling your story can help you cope with sexual trauma and take the other steps that are necessary to protect your rights. A friend can go to the hospital with you, for example, and listen when you need support.

2. Report it. Call the police in Oakland to report the incident and press charges against the perpetrator. If the abuse was committed by someone who is part of an institution, such as a church or school, report it to authorities there, as well.

3. Go to a hospital. Get medical care for any physical injuries. If possible, obtain a sexual assault forensic exam within 120 hours of the incident. This is a special medical exam that can collect evidence to support a criminal and civil case against the perpetrator.

4. Focus on your mental health. Sexual abuse is psychologically traumatic. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. See a therapist or psychiatrist to learn healthy ways to cope with what happened to you. You can also utilize free tools such as the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673).

5. Contact an attorney. When you’re ready, consult with a sexual abuse lawyer in Oakland to learn about your legal rights. A lawyer can guide you through the remaining steps to bring an abuser to justice and obtain fair financial compensation.

You aren’t alone as a victim or the parent of a victim of sexual abuse. Support groups and professional help are available, including assistance from an experienced sexual abuse attorney in Oakland at Manly, Stewart & Finaldi. We care about our clients and will do everything we can to help your family get through this difficult time. Our lawyers will make sure that you have everything you need to cope, heal and move forward.

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Contact an Oakland sexual abuse attorney from the firm today so that you can be assisted immediately.